Allah bless you, Adik Baby.

Assalamualaikum, everyone. As in my last post about my new cat namely Baby, I am feeling very sad to say that she is gone. She died this afternoon on7th March 2015. Ya Allah.. Sedihnya tu tak boleh nak cakap. Padahal baru semalam I main dengan dia eventhough she was sick. She got flu and few diseases more serious when she came Putrajaya. My sisters already brought her to klinik, took medicine and so on. It just last night, she became very weak and crying when we touch her. I was very sad and just act like it just a normal disease. But we decided to bring her to hospital, masuk ward semua today. Two of my sisters went to hospital near Petaling Jaya. Doctor said she's took weak, but no matter what, kitten is a living kitty and we need to save her. As to cucuk her for water drip............ shes not breathing.. ANYMORE.. so sudden.. I can't speak. I was at Putrajaya, at home with my other siblings and nephew. After we received the sad news about Baby, a moment silence with ...