As-salam :p
Haiiiii :3 nothings great for this week. Just busy doing some homeworkssss. What list? My homeworks' list? Hahahah no need to list them :p eh Wait! I want to list it :p
- angkat kain
- sidai kain
- vacuum atas
- vacuum bawah
- kemas rumah
- angkat kain
- tiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurr kroih kroihh ;p
ahahahahah yeah I know its not a lot for you but for me its quite a lot of work and its need about half and hour to complete it. Hahaha berterabur english aku tapi aku peduli apenyaa. Nak juga speaking :P hahahaha lagipun ni je caranya aku nak improve english aku :)
Jealous? LOL? Hahahha i don't ever care bout your laugh. Hah aku rasa malas nak jadi orang bongok kat sini. Hahahhaha
*seriously aku ada banyak topik nak habaq kat hangpa, tapi aku LUPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA . grrr ;(
fuhh , rajen erk cik kyla neh ;)