KLCC Water Fountain Show

Assalamualaikum. Hi everyone. So this would be out of topic of the day because I supposedly to be prepared for my Communication presentation this evening. But, I need to calm myself since I gila nervous nak present nanti. Need to relax first, so I've decided to share something I've experienced at KLCC last month. So, I went to KLCC with my lovely girls; Anis and Syaira as we want to jalan-jalan and rest since we have done our assignments (lah sangat). Agaklah kan I tak balik, so budak dua orang ni suka ajak jalan-jalan. Ikutkan je hehe. We went to KLCC at maghrib cuz cadangnya nak pergi Sephora je temankan Syaira beli make-up. It was fun. Really. Siapa yang tak tahu Sephora kat KLCC is the best place EVER for girls who love make up? Seriously though, there's a lot of make up brands from overload-expensive price to affordable price to buy. Of course la I am the person yang akan test lipsticks over and over again =P The photo might be crack, but the memories will rem...