KLCC Water Fountain Show

Assalamualaikum. Hi everyone. So this would be out of topic of the day because I supposedly to be prepared for my Communication presentation this evening. But, I need to calm myself since I gila nervous nak present nanti. Need to relax first, so I've decided to share something I've experienced at KLCC last month.

So, I went to KLCC with my lovely girls; Anis and Syaira as we want to jalan-jalan and rest since we have done our assignments (lah sangat). Agaklah kan I tak balik, so budak dua orang ni suka ajak jalan-jalan. Ikutkan je hehe. We went to KLCC at maghrib cuz cadangnya nak pergi Sephora je temankan Syaira beli make-up. It was fun. Really. Siapa yang tak tahu Sephora kat KLCC is the best place EVER for girls who love make up? Seriously though, there's a lot of make up brands from overload-expensive price to affordable price to buy. Of course la I am the person yang akan test lipsticks over and over again =P

The photo might be crack, but the memories will remain in beauty ;)

Lol I dont have any photo to share with since I exactly forgot to snap photos in Sephora. Too busy! =P

So after that, we went to Groceries to buy some stuff. Masa nak otw tu, weolls lalu depan tempat ramai orang lepak2 tu. Yang ada air pancut and so on tu. Yeah, if I'm not mistaken masa tu about 8.30pm maybe, so Anis said that is the time where Water fountain show at KLCC. I was like "huhh.. yeker?" mende ni never heard before??

Alhamdulillah masa kita orang pergi tu, kita orang ON TIME kot. Baru je start. But of course, I'm bad at recording stuff. Tangan tak reti duduk diam, dengan Anis and Syaira asyik panggil tangkap gambar. Hahaha. But still, goosebumps to the max. You should watch this video by using earphone and in FULLSCREEN. Muhahahaha

I've to upload it on YouTube because the size is too big (over 100MB) eventhough it just only in 5 minutes

So yeah, hopefully this video can 'encourage' you to go to KLCC by yourselves. IDK why I promote KLCC. Haha surely ramai orang would go to KLCC kan. Kehkeh. Anyhow, that show seriously best. Hehe ;) 

For any videos, you can search in on YouTube. Banyak gak orang lain upload, and of course in better quality than mine. Leuls. Ok got to go. Pray for my presentation, ok?

Assalamualaikum :)

p/s: if you have anything personal or random question to ask, you can ask me through my Ask.fm account--> Sharkzllr


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