MV "Pejam" by The Prism

"Walaupun hati kita kadang-kadang rasa kosong, tapi ada je yang appreciate dan sayangkan kita..
... cuma kita je yang kena berusaha untuk mengisi kekosongan tu.."

2 cerita,

1 jiwa.

Watch MV "Pejam" by The PRISM. Please share and like this video, okay? ;)

Assalamualaikum to all my readers, followers, and anon. Hope you're doing well.

As per usual, I'll begin my post with apologies and so on. Lol. But honestly, I'm really busy because I have loads of assignments and projects this semester and I can't think of free time to talk to all of you.

And the above video, is one of my project that I've worked with my friends (thank you, girls and boys) and now I want to share this video to you.

Please, please, please, please watch this video yang tak seberapa because I need your help to get marks for my assignment. Ahaa....

If you click on the given video/link, nanti banyak suggestion from my classmates' videos too because we have the same assignment. Therefore, you can watch their videos too if you want to. All of them are very talented and creative people. Do support them too, okay?

And I miss to blog. I can't promise when to write a post, but for sure I will. It just that I still can't make it as for now. I have another 2 projects to do, and it takes a lot of time (and money).

Eventhough it's hella tired, but I'm happy doing it. Can't wait to feel and experience more exhausted and tiring moments in doing my work soon. Lulz.

Talk to you readers later, okay?
May you have a good day and year. (because who knows I might update my blog next year :p)

In shaa Allah..


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