Najwa Latiff. *oh what?!*

As-salam. Hi you guys. Whats up? I hope you guys are fine :D

"hey dude, whats wrong with'ya title?"

what? Ohh, Najwa Latiff? Yeahh. She's cool, right? Even she is only 16y/o, but her voice was amazing. Tak lah hebat gila-nak-mampus, tapi cool lah jika nak dibandingkan dengan saya dan orang lain(tak pasal-pasal 'orang lain' kena). In my information's list about her, she's living at JB and school at girls school which is i dont know what her school name. Thank you. She's taking science stream(is that needed?). PLUS, i love her guitar. Electric guitar. Blue epiphone. Ahhh mannn~ where did she bought it? I want it too :( Actually, dulu saya tak lah minat kat beliau. Tapi sejak dah pro main gitar(pro lah sangat. Bukan boleh percaya), teringin nak main lagu 'Cinta Muka Buku' by herself. 'Sounds fun' when I had learnt new chords ; Bm. Yeahh, sekarang dah tau chords for 'Love in Facebook'(translate sat). Thanks, Najwa Latiff. Kite dah suke kamu :P

Beside got talent in playing guitar, her voice also perghhh wa cakap lu. Suara dia macam beralun-alun. Tak unik mana, tapi kira ok lah jika nak dibandingkan dengan aku ni................ (speechless).

Cehh, jangan ada yang meluat bila aku sanggup buat entry pasal beliau. Suka hati I lahh you :P Saya tahu, ada orang yang suka dia. Dan, orang yang selalu memandang negatif terhadap beliau pun turut wujud. Yeahhh.

Kenapa memandang negatif? Haaa! Saya tahu kenapa sebab kawan-kawan saya pun ada yang kurang gemar dengan Najwa Latiff ni.
  1. She's 16, sebaya dengan saya dan kawan-kawan saya.
  2. She's popular, while us....... (speechless)
  3. Semua kenal beliau, while us......
  4. She has a lot type of hijab, while us.........
  5. She have a good voice.
  6. Dia pernah masuk tv -- (kena jugak ke?)
  7. She's cute, while me(singular ok. no offense)...........
  8. Latest punya ; dia pernah nyanyi dengan Greyson :P
  9. Bla... Bla.. Bla..
No offense. Do support her, for our negara! Yuna dah pijak oversea, bagi Najwa Latiff ni menyerlahkan bakat beliau kat luar pula. Jangan nak anti 'sangatlah kannnnn'.

Btw, saya semakin minat kat beliau after tengok video ni. Suara dia sedap :D Enjoy~ *err click lah. Malas nak download video TT hehe



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