I'm freeeeeee.... for a while

Hi assalamualaikum.

If you can count, I'm not updating nor online twitter on last week. Well, I busy dengan work I. Nak marah workers lagi, nak beli barang dapur lagi, nak gosok baju lagi, duit bil tak bayar lagi. Ok penipu.... Ahahaha. I had an exam a week off obviously it was a season for Malaysia' students. We did a good job, aren't we? Ngehngeh.

Can I tell about my 'trip' last week? Okay ah.

On Sunday, I realized(whatta..) that I'm actually a silly and daft to achieve 10A+, wishy-girl, pohon chestnut, tak-sedar-diri-nak-pandai-tapi-pemalas etc etc. I brought a biology revision book to study at tuition while waiting for my brotha for one hour and half. Yes I did, but it just few words for few pages in my exercise book. So, no compliment at all please. After the bell rang indicating my brotha's class is over, I was like "ohhh mannnn.. Banyak lagi nota aku tak buat ni!". So, I decided want to study at night also known as stay-up-late-to-study. And yes! Yes yes yes!!! I didn't.

Monday came with lethargy and with my fake smile, all of my morale were came and said to me, "You're not like your friend, so you must reach them to beat them!" Yeahhh like that. So, again I decided want to stay back to study at school library with my few friends. And yes, yes! I DID! Where's my compliment and certificate? Where? I want it!!! We studied........ Not too struggle, we just read and started memorize all formula of Biology and Physics. We studying, laughing, joking, playing, laughing, gossipsssssing, laughing, stuu..di..yyi..(err..) And it was 5o'clock. So, our study group were done on that day. At night, I read all kind of things that I don't know and have to know, trying to understand what was the facts explained on that book. Yes, I got it. So, I slept with full of zeal to face with 4papers tomorrow ; BM, Reka Cipta, Biology and Physics.

Tuesday. BM and RC ran good. I tembak kertas soalan tu. Biology.... Lymphatic system, obviously you are killing me till now!!!! Lymph nodes, lymph capillaries, and so on which I can list it. And also to physics. Fuhhh... I was like "what is this? When did my teacher teach me this topic? When??" and I forgot about transverse wave and longitudinal wave ; even basic pun I forgot already! So, for this 2papers ; I'm screwed! I wish it isn't. Wait...! Last night, did I understood what was I read? Did I? Ohh.... I forgot already. Fuyoohh... Okay, tawakal sebab dah lepas =( Then yes, as usual, stay back to study addmaths, chemistry, english and history. We made a simple note for history facts, addmaths with full of explaination I guess(well, its only Ain yang explain kat Shahril, I'm not! LOL). So, I think alhamdulillah because our time were not waste just like yesterday. Alhamdulillah.. But, we still laughing till Mr.Rain came at us and showered us. Hujan rahmat =D Late night, I studied till 1am if I'm not mistaken. Uhhh~ Chemistry, I know it already. So, baca sikit je.. Okay, kroihhhhh~ (with full of hope)

Wednesday ; started with English paper. Ahaaa.. The only subject that I didn't study because my teacher didn't tell me and my friends tajuk apa yang masuk(novel, poem). Fareh only told me that novel tak masuk. So, yeahhhh!!!! It ran bit good, I'm happily answer it because I shoot the answer just like in game. Hahaha! History. Hmm..... I don't want to talk about it since I never know about. What I wish is, I hope my teacher will smile widely while checking my classmates and I punya paper. Amin! Chemistry? Err.... Ia berjalan dengan lancar, kan Walin? Even 10 objectives with 2 structures questions, we only can describe it with one word ; BAPAKKKK!!! Yeahhh... Ye know what I mean. Addmath? AHHH.. Ni yang bikin gua tension. Even ada 5questions only, I'm stuck on question no.2 which is everyone can answer it!!!! 5, 7, 9 ..... 87. Find the term for 87. It was the last question that I did, and I did the answer manually. I added 2number till I get the terms of 87. Hahah! Confirm markah manual jugak. Wuwuwuwu~ Okay tawakal =) Stay back as usual. We studied agama punya Sirah and Ibadat vigorously. We had so much fun when studied with full of enthusiams. I still can't forgot about Nazrin trademark that make me trauma till now "Okay syakila, bagi nama penuh khalifah yang kedua kerajaan Abbasiyyah berserta tempoh memerintah dan sumbangan NOW!" Keyword NOW dia tu made me scared and dupdap and forgot what was the sumbangan of Khalifah Abu Jaafar tu. Hahahaha! Then, we continued topic Kahwin. Ihik! Best :P ngaaa... Dengan electric takda, hujan lebat gilaaaa, best. When it was 5pm, we keep playing at perhimpunan(dah renovate baik punya!), running at down storm, ahahaha.. Memang best gila. Ain said, perhaps that day was our serious day on studying. Yeahhh Ainn.. You're right.. On that night, I'm sooo sleepyy.. After maghrib, I slept. Kihkihkih.. Konon nak bangun pukul 8.30pm, tuptup it was 1am =) That cannot be like that! After shalat(uuuu~), I studied maths(transformation, seriously I'm weak in this chapter) till 4am. It's okay, maybe I should study moreee and revise moreee to understand the method of this chapter. 6marks boleh hilang if I didn't know and revise. So, I slept with tawakal =)

Thursday... Ehemmm! It was last day of exam Test 1!!!!!! Alhamdulillah it ran well. I wish I can score A in this two papers as well as those sweetieee 8subjetcs. Ahahaha.. Balik tu, memang tiada lagi stay back. Perangai syaitan nirrojim are coming!!!!! Hahahah! Balik rumah, tidurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Esoknya, went to school. Then at home, tidurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. Then, kawad kaki. Then at home, watch Running Man. Tidurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. Woke up on 12am, met up with my 3sisters and my 2 little nephews. Stay up till now, 4.32am. And guess what, I have tuition tomorrow. Ahakkakakakak!

For my results, hopefully I will achieve a good result(feel afraid to say "an excellent result. LOL). If I get a good result, insyaAllah I will tell ya bout it. If not, hmm... I'll think twice before I mention it on my post =P ok, uhh also! to my classmates, Nazrin, Shahril, I wish we will get a good result even for Test1. Dude, it's the beginning for our war okay! No words "Alaaahh.. Ujian aje pun...". I hate those who spoke that. Kemonnn.. Ujian tu kira 1.2% dalam PPT nanti. So, we must struggle to score a GOOD result! Beginning katekan....

Btw, kami sebagai pelajar di Malaysia berasa sangat terharu kerana pada minggu hadapan kami diberi peluang untuk tidur lewat atau awal mahupun tidak perlu tidur kerana diberikan cuti seminggu berserta booklet untuk 7matapelajaran(tanpa kimia, fizik dan biologi kerana cikgu kata cikgu bakal berikan tapi sekarang kami masih tidak dapat, jadi dikira tiada. Okay seronok). Saya berharap saya dapat menyiapkan kerja rumah saya secepat yang mungkin(......)

Ohyaaa.. Kat atas ni described me as a moaner. Astaghfirullahal'azim.. I'm sorry, It just only a joke and please don't take it as a serious statement.. Even I didn't mean it, I do really want to make me as good student and take as my advice to be an excellent student insyaAllah(so do to you, batch-mates).

So, till we meet again. Assalamualaikum =)

*ps: ada salah taip or grammar etc, harap maaf.


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