Birthday Girl ^^
Peace be upon to you.
Aemaaaaaaaa a.k.a kakma

"Happy birthday, kakma. Allah is always besides you. So, no need for me to wish you get bless. I wish you will be a good daughter, brilliant student, pious muslimah, kurus than ever. I wish too that you will get a caring+beriman+etc etc future husband, succesful in your life and be a happy-go-lucky person a.k.a my sister," typed by your sister(adik) equivalent with me. Sincerely from me.
Today is her 20th birthday. She is my third sister from 5. Well, I'm taller than her occasionally. It was sometimes tall because when she wore her wedges shoes, she's taller than me OR same height with me.
Last day, my other 2sisters and little sister gave her presents. It's really beautiful and cute. Me accompanied my lil sister before she bought it. Music box, it's cute! While my eldest sister bought her a handbag, pinky bag. Maybe she will use it for dinner or formal day :P hikhik. While my 4th sister gave her a bag whereas she can put her alat solek in there. Eye-liner, lipbalm, krim, needles, pin, etc etc. And today, maybe she celebrate her birthday with her friends. Seronok lettew...
Again, happy birthday! ; abah, mak, kakda, kakla, ME, adam and intan.
ps: Err.. I don't have any present to give at you lah. So, enough with all jokes I tell you. Pajero :P
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