Luck of SPM

Hi assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Jangan kata saya gila kerana saya update blog pabila SPM Isnin ni. Kepala sudah tepu dengan nota biologi yang tak habis study lagi. Chillin' jap ehh :P

Okay gambar kat tepi tu sudah di-update baru and omg anwar hadi wish good luck for me! Hahahaha *padahal muka tak malu minta wish daripadanya* lol

sorry la excited sgt hahahha. Saya memang minat dia sebab he's awesome in his video!! Woarghh :P
ni yang semangat nak study sampai ke pagi ni hahaha. 

Anddd, next week dah SPM. So for this entry actually i want to ask apology to reader(s) for my bad words, bad typing error, bad attitude, bad talked and all of my bad. I'm hoping that all of you dapat halalkan perbuatan saya. Dup dap rasanya nak spm, tapi tak sabar to end it quickly :P wish me best of luck and tak darah gemuruh time exam nanti. Amin.

Also, I want to wish a-very-GOOD-GOOD-LUCK to my bestfriends, classmates, schoolmates, friends, and to all whom taking SPM this year. Do all your utmost best and don't let the grade 'unsatisfied' will list in your result ;p hehehe. Pray to Allah, do solat hajat, baca Quran, makan kismis, minta restu parents, sedekah, baca ayat Kursi, surah 3 Qul dsb. InsyaAllah mendapat berkat. Amin :) mudah-mudahan Allah permudahkan kita semua sewaktu hari peperiksaan nanti. Amin.

tak malu minta puji =P


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