
Showing posts from 2013

Suara hati 1

*cam tak blah je title* \Assalamualaikum. Sihat? Hiks. Apa? Apa?? Apa??!! APA??!!!!  I'm not busy pun, cuma malas nak turun bawah to get connection with wifi yang urmm tokseh habaq boh. Laju tu meme la, tapi urmmzz dah tetiba pahal aku nak turun semata nak bukak blog sedangkan idea aku takdok?  Acanor?? Hek. Macam eden memperlekehkan blog eden pulak.  Tak. Bukan cemtu. Bukan. I love my blogspot ni. Cuma bukan masa sekarang nak fikir idea apa nak curhat. Dahlah buku pun malas nak baca, apatah lagi nak spend masa 2-3jam nak perah otak untuk post new entry :3 Nanti i janji, BILA SAYA ADA IDEA, SAYA UPDATE LA.  Ni kira bajet retis ada orang tunggu post aku ke cane? akakaka. Meh nak cerita sikit serba-serbi sedikit hari-hariku di sini. Semenjak Sir El yang hensem-gila-tapi-dah-kahwin-tau-wuwuwuwu bagi assignment-yang tak-berapa-nak-assignment, saya ni dah pandai tiduq lambat. Padahal buat research je dol. Kopi pasta gitu. Jahat tak saya :( lek a...

3rd Intake ke IPTA(prosedur)

Assalamualaikum, everybody! So, saya ada banyak benda nak cerita. Tapi bila dah terlalu banyak, habis otak saya blank! Ampun. Alhamdulillah, berkat kesabaran saya menganggur hampir 11bulan ni ada hikmah oleh-Nya. Bersyukur sangat! Alhamdulillah. Semenjak saya failed bagi kemasukan ke mana-mana IPTA, neither 1st intake nor 2nd intake, saya still tak akan putus asa untuk masuk ke IPTA pilihan saya(even ada rasa down sedikit). Saya masih lagi berharap agar saya diterima untuk 3rd intake. Alhamdulillah, today one of my dream came true. So, saya ada sedikit maklumat yang nak kongsikan berdasarkan apa yang saya lalui. Cewah. 3rd intake ni hanya ada pada beberapa institut sahaja. Setakat yang saya tahu ialah: Politeknik UiTM(Universiti Teknologi MARA) UIA/IIUM(Universiti Islam Antarabangsa) UTM(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) Politeknik -permohonan ke Politeknik bagi pengambilan untuk bulan Disember biasanya adalah yang paling terawal dia orang bagi apply. ...

My cats!

Semenjak Kakmy bagi pinjam handphone dia, aku banyak merakam. Rakam la apa-apa. Kasi buat magik ke, sembang ke, buat video konon pergi trip ke, konon tangan gergasi tampar muka ke. Seriously its funny.  I used to record everything when I was in form3, with my Sony Ericsson J205i. Haa henpon biasa je, tapi bab record kasi kat aku. Henpon kakmy ni even just a smartphone, tapi camera takdelah bad sangat. Ala camera Xpress Music. Mana canggih kalau nak dibandingkan dengan android and Apple :P And I love to tangkap gambar kucing-kucingku especially bubu and hitam. Poyen jarang balik rumah. sleep like the bed belong to u ye bu. sleep like a boss. because massive eyes is too mainstream :P gigit tangan kemain lagi. bubu kena paksa tidur dekat dengan saya.(asal baju tu macam perut aku berlapis? haha) baby buuuuuu Saya memang suka tangkap gambar bubu time tidur. Comel sangat. Sampai tak ada pula muka hidup dia. So saya pun record la video dia seb...

Gambar family.

Assalamualaikum. Hai! Hai! Hai! K. Terasa lama tak update, even rasanya baru je update blog ini. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilifitri buat muslimin dan muslimat. Halalkan apa yang saya terambil, terbuat, termakan, terminum, dan termakan :P  Ampun maaf dipinta. *tukar mood balik* So, just now Adam gave me his air bungkus time dia balik dari sekolah tadi.  *hulur air tembikai* "Air apa ni, dam?" "Tembikai yer.." "Tembikaiyer?" "Hm em." "Tembikaiyer hm em?" "Cepatlah, adam nak minum ni." 'Tembikaiyer hm em cepatlah adam nak minum ni? Apa ni?" Sesi mencari pasal sudah bermula untuk aku minum sampai habis. Memang aku suruh adam minum dulu, then baru aku habiskan air bungkus dia tu. Fresh sebelum update blog *sly* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kira malam kelmarin, memang bosan gila tak tahu buat apa since kakak-kakak tercintaku sudah balik ke universiti m...

Tuduh melulu

It was happened yesterday.  Pagi tu kena hantar Intan pergi sekolah sebab mak abah dan kakmy pergi KL. Esok baru balik.  Aku dah turun bawah, Intan still kat atas. Aku pula terlupa nak bawa turun lesen dengan IC. So aku suruhlah Intan bawa turun sebab aku nak pergi panaskan enjin dulu. So around 5minutes after then, Intan pun masuklah kereta dan aku terus bawa kereta. Then bila dah gerak sedikit, aku tanya dia bawa turun tak purse aku. So she said she forgot to bring my purse, even dia dah bawa turun. Aku malas, lagipun bukan penting. Pagi kot, ada roadblock kemenda.  So lepas balik dari hantar Intan, aku masuk rumah dan kemas sikit-sikit. Aku sangkut sweater and tudung kat bilik bawah dan naik atas. Sejam lepas tu, aku tidur la kejap. Tak sedar Adam kejut, dah suruh hantar dia pergi sekolah. Heh. Ok la. Aku siap awal sebab nak ambil Intan pukul 2. Aku gerak half an hour earlier coz I went to BSN before I took Intan.  Bila dah sampai rumah, baru terdetik ...


Such a violent in temper, dear new blogger interface! I've been spending 3hours editing my blog; header, layout, advanced etc. All ran well as i expected. I showed off front of my brother "cantik tak header age? Ni blog age." "gila kakge. Cantik gila gambar tu. Mana hang edit?" "Heh. Ade ah." Yes, just because I dont want to share with him(coz he'll ruin others laptop if he know the trick), all become error dramatically ;( The header became smaller, the background changed, the font, the colours. Argh! I just want to appear my navigation bar back, and those happened so sudden. Wuwaaa! Benci gila sampai aku ketuk meja.  So I decided, to change my layout into THIS. Yes, the latest template. Pfft~  No worries, I'll update and upgrade my blog bila waktu ada . Well check out my upcoming header. Its me :P i'll use it soon. I'm still upset, but what to do. Kun faya kun. Its the kafarah for me coz I post...

Procedure of taking a legal license/ prosedur mengambil lesen!

At last, I have the things I wanna share. At last. But it isn't as great as I thought since ive ruined my first time driving a car. Oh its been an old story. Sangat la kan.  The moment to grab a legal license! I kept thinking, should I share it on my blog so that people can know the procedure of taking a license. So now, im here. Meow. Saya ambil lesen untuk kereta sahaja, kos tidak melebihi RM800 secara teknikalnya. Segala kos termasuk ceramah basic 5jam, ujian warna & test law on computer, ceramah lagi 6jam dan juga latihan memandu 10jam(2hours/day). Semua ni makan paling cepat sebulan. Padan muka. Lepas dah selesai latihan memandu tu, ada lagi 1 peringkat untuk melepasi Test JPJ, iaitu test QTI(which i forgot what was it). Ujian ni kira macam test jpj, tapi kita diuji dengan orang lain, bukan pegawai dari JPJ. Kena bawa elok-elok juga. Kalau failed, you can't take test jpj and akan diberi masa tambahan untuk latihan memandu. Contohnya kena tambah lagi 2 ata...

The Crazy Driving License.

Its been twice I dreamed, since I got my drive license almost a month ago. But I think the point of my dream are more likely make me scare to drive. Seriously. 1st night; I was with my parents to go somewhere I dont know. It was dark and creepy night coz every black people are trying to catch us, for something i don't know. We have to escape to one car to another car to make sure we can run away from there as soon as possible. Untill the time when my father asked me to drive a yellow myvi just after he nearly been caught by black bad person when he wants to steal a car. The weird thing is my mom didnt drive the car and sat at the back while worrying about father. It was so weird coz in real life my mom dont ask me to drive to any place. When my dad ran and jump into my car, he asked me to drive as fast as I could. I was like isk macam mana aku nak buat. Adeh. Unfortunately I cant drive as I expected. I couldnt control the stereng and always pushing the break s...

Siblings' method

Ya know, I always stuck when I want to write about my siblings. I don't feel so much satisfied when I mention in english about my sisters, younger sister, and brother.  Sisters; they are my sisters.  Younger sister; youngest - last. Brother; obviously. The question is who are the sisters? Who is the brother? I can bet you lil bit confuse. Let me explain. When people talk about their sisters, I always curious- " are they sisters? Or their sisters?" U got me? I am more curious when they didn't mention the sisters' age. Oh my, what am I talking about? If I translate those statement to Malay, I would say  kakak or adik perempuan .  Confusing, isn't it? I am also wondering about the brothers. Same situation, but yet nothing is different about my comprehension. I still curious and wondering, are they abang of her? Or adik lelaki of her? Oh man please. but at the end,I put the brother as abang, younger sister as adik perempuan, sister as kakak, someti...