
Showing posts from February, 2012

Love Story

Hi assalamualaikum, readers. So, today I don't have any idea what I'm gonna type about. As you can see just now, I changed my background again. LOL. Bosan kot background aku ni asyik buruk je. Sorry, I am not creative just like other bloggers. Rajin cari tutorial. Saya ni bukan malas sahaja, malah tak tahu apa itu tutorial :P betul. Short note untuk short time. Memang ada benda nak taip, tapi terlupa. K, assalamualaikum. * title tu memang ada kena mengena.

Merentas Desa

Assalamualaikum. Sorry about last night. I jogged around nearby my house about half an hour. Cukuplah 3km(riak). LOL. Nobody's read right? LOL. I wish. LOL. I was tired much then, so I mandi, then solat. Then watched Raja Lawak, then slept. PC kakak dah chop, tengok Running Man dia tu -- huh. Merentas Desa. Ok, saya straight jelah. Medal akan diberi dari 1-20 mengikut kategori (PA, PB, PC). Well, form 1 in PC, form2 and form3 in PB and form4 and form in PC. Obviously I'm in PA. Merentas Desa bagai nak riak. Tapi.................. The saddest is I didnt get the medal. Miahahaha. Its okay, at least dapat bagi marks for Laksamana! Ngehngehngeh~ Saya dapat tempat ke-21(I'm too happy derr). Dah tak ada rezeki, terima je lah :D setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya(well, ini musibah ke? LOL). Tapi syukur alhamdulillah badan tak ada lenguh-lenguh seperti 4tahun yang lepas(berturut-turut). Dulu saya memang paling tak suka merentas desa, rasa macam urghhhh je. Apa motifnya,...

Lets fight!

Assalamualaikum. Now is 8.47pm and I want to jogging after this. Well, esok kan merentas desa. Nak buat exercise sikit. Dahlama tak workout, jogging jelah. Nanti kite update lagi tau. We'll see berapa jam kite jogging. LOL :P Adios.

Super Something.

Peace be upon to you and Hi! Well today for your information, I ate a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot today. In the morning, I ate slice of bread and cornflakes+milk. Then, on recess, I ate nasi goreng which is makcik letak banyak-gila-nak-tutt. I had lunch at my homesweethome ; rice rice rice bread bread bread meegoreng bread. And lastly for dinner, I'm eating(now) burger in front of my dearest pc now. LOL. So, how many calories that I've burn for today? Hmmm.. I think.... 2kCal kot. Walking, naik tangga, running, walking, ride on my scooter, walking, praying. LOL. Only 2kCal? LOL KSO, suddenly I've an intention to update my blog. I mean, post. On the last Monday, ada Perlantikan Watikah. Alhamdulillah its runs perfectly and smoothly. Even adik pengawas baru kata nak pengsan, LOL. Congrats to all new prefect, I hope you'll do your work more better than before. No more "tak bertugas ke?", no more excuses, no more no moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Break vs Bread.

Assalamualaikum, pembaca(s) :) How was your day today? I hope it was fun and meaningful for ye. Well, title tu saya tak tau betul ke tidak sebab taktau nak letak title apa. LOL. Hmm.. Nak cakap apa eh? Awkwardlah ngan awak semua. yelah, dah lama tak update kan.. LOL The reason why am I seldomly updating my blog is because I'm kinda busy lah. Weekend memang boleh online, tapi adik-adik dah pegang dulu. Gua malas nak queve up, so better gua tidur dalam bilik gua je. Lepastu gua mesti tidur lambat. Lot of homeworks are waiting for me. Guhuhu no sigh(!). Almost a month(too) I didn't update my diary tau. I've no time to spend with it as well as with my blog ;P so 50-50 lah kasih sayang saya to my blog and diary ;P lol. So, don't miss me. LOL :P Traffic feeds saya most banyak kat KL. Siapa eh? Kakmy ke? Or someone else? Hahaha selamat membaca blog saya yang pffttt ini. Those who miss me, tengoklah muka wa yang dapat mengoobat rindumu kepadaku. LOL...


Assalam readers :) I'm quit busy lately. Busy of what, I don't know, for suree. Actually, I've a lot of story to tell ye, the good and the bad too. But I'd prefer to tell ya my good news/story, can't I? ngehngeh. This is my poor blog, so I can do antyhing at it. This is my babyblog. Right????? LOL ;P But I'm updating my blog by using a phonee. I'm tired for waiting a turn of mine to use PC. Urghhh.. Malas kot. And that's why mt title were entitled just like that, as you can see just now..But I can be as maniac if type my whole story on small qwerty 'board' claerly and small screen obviously. So, this is only my short post(too). Till we meet again. As-salammualaikum..