Super Something.

Peace be upon to you and Hi!

Well today for your information, I ate a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot today. In the morning, I ate slice of bread and cornflakes+milk. Then, on recess, I ate nasi goreng which is makcik letak banyak-gila-nak-tutt. I had lunch at my homesweethome ; rice rice rice bread bread bread meegoreng bread. And lastly for dinner, I'm eating(now) burger in front of my dearest pc now. LOL. So, how many calories that I've burn for today? Hmmm..

I think....

2kCal kot. Walking, naik tangga, running, walking, ride on my scooter, walking, praying. LOL. Only 2kCal? LOL

KSO, suddenly I've an intention to update my blog. I mean, post.

On the last Monday, ada Perlantikan Watikah. Alhamdulillah its runs perfectly and smoothly. Even adik pengawas baru kata nak pengsan, LOL. Congrats to all new prefect, I hope you'll do your work more better than before. No more "tak bertugas ke?", no more excuses, no more no moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And I do really wish is I hope that the prefects' junior will respect the prefects' senior, especially to form5, form4, form 3 and as well as with form2(junior-respect-junior). Also also, congrats to Ain because dia ketua pengawas. You're great dear :P lol. Congrats too for double-PS, PRS, and ketua kelas and penolong kelas as well. Ohya, my mom and kakla went to Sg.Petani, she(mom) had meeting, meeting, meeting, and meeting. Kakla just accompanied my mom :D good daughter, jes laik mehhh! Wahahaha

Last day(Tuesday), I think nothing's special kot. I ate not too lot, but bread is still the main problem of my "control-makan". Rezeki, kita kena kawal. Ok, I'll take as my advice.

Today, as you can seen, I ate a lot. Pffttt~ Tadi petang mak kakla tok tokwan balik for a while. Then, pergi JB pula. Mak ada urusan beliau I guess :P And I didn't go to Latihan merentas desa. Lol, I'm too laaaziiyyyyy to go for 'latihan'. Nanti real merentas desa, tak extreme. This Saturday will be held merentas desa yang sbenar which is I will attend, insyaAllah.

And I'm not done yet my homework. 10subjects officially, only 8subjects yang ada homework. Congratulation to English and Sejarah 'cause you are not giving me any homework *touched*. And those 8subjects(you know it), I will try my best to complete it :P LOL.

Last Saturday, I went to Gopeng. Ada Leadership pebenda tah. Few of prefects+double-PS and PRS has been selected from their teacher, as school representatives. I forgot who told me that all schools in this Perak were involved. Ngehngeh. Best tau, hehehe. Its about the way to be a people-who-should-think-more-deeply about study, 5Domain in study(I forgot alreadt maaa~), TIKUS MATI is characteristics of an excellent student ; Tekun, Impian, Ketahanan, Usaha, Strategik, Matlamat, Teknik, Ilmu. Done! LOL, tak sangka ingat :P And maaaaaaaaaaaany more yang I can't list it. But, I want to show you guys one zany-video. LOL, its about wash our hand, because our hands are surrounding with germs. We must wash our hands, especially after "lega....". LOL. In my notes, tissues is the best way to throw the germs. After use it, throw it in the tong sampah. If you guys guna pemanas tangan tu(err yang bagi kering tu), it can spread out the germs away for 2metres from that pemanas/pengering tangan. Means, that things are not good! Kihkihkih.

nah, the link of "wash your hand too" -

Okay, nak borak apa lagi? Homework tak buatlagi. Even nota pun I don't ever touch ye' know. This is the saddest part of my f5's life. LOL :(

Ohhhh! Forgot to said that, Tina had given birth! LOL. 3kittens - (-1kitten was died) = 2kittens left. Extremely cute! .....Just like the owner laaaa~ LOL. Tina is a really concerned motha. Masa tu Tina was at down stairs. Then kakmy and I want to see her kittens kat belakang laci(nak tengok, kena masuk dalam laci sebelah yang kecil, suffer!). Then, kakmy tengok dulu(masukkan kepala), I was on her back, waitin' for my turn. Then bila kakmy dah tengok, we saw Tina watched us -_- Kantoi tengok anak dia! Then, obviously we were shocked, so I suddenly closed the door and start laughed. Hahahhaha, Tina seems violent in temper! Then, I opened back the door to see if Tina still at there or nope. And yes, she's still bulatkan mata dia when looked at us. LOL, Tina is hillarious! :P longlasting with your kittens yah, Tina <3 And, I had one new cat(big kitten), her name is Muna. I want her name as Mona, but my mom prefer Muna because Muna's means apebendatah(postive). Ok, Muna. Simply as Mun je pun. She's active cat, good in playing hide-and-seek. LOL. And Oyen(eldest), always busy with his work. He's seldomly return home. When he feel hungry, baru balik. Nak kena tumbuk agaknya. Wateva it will be, I love my cats! <3

Okay, setakat ini sahaja arguments saya. Till we meet again.

Assalamualaikum :)


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