Break vs Bread.

Assalamualaikum, pembaca(s) :)

How was your day today? I hope it was fun and meaningful for ye.

Well, title tu saya tak tau betul ke tidak sebab taktau nak letak title apa. LOL. Hmm.. Nak cakap apa eh? Awkwardlah ngan awak semua. yelah, dah lama tak update kan.. LOL

The reason why am I seldomly updating my blog is because I'm kinda busy lah. Weekend memang boleh online, tapi adik-adik dah pegang dulu. Gua malas nak queve up, so better gua tidur dalam bilik gua je. Lepastu gua mesti tidur lambat. Lot of homeworks are waiting for me. Guhuhu no sigh(!).

Almost a month(too) I didn't update my diary tau. I've no time to spend with it as well as with my blog ;P so 50-50 lah kasih sayang saya to my blog and diary ;P lol.

So, don't miss me. LOL :P

Traffic feeds saya most banyak kat KL. Siapa eh? Kakmy ke? Or someone else? Hahaha selamat membaca blog saya yang pffttt ini.

Those who miss me, tengoklah muka wa yang dapat mengoobat rindumu kepadaku. LOLOLOLOL. (get nausea yeah).

Till we meet again, insyaAllah.



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