
Assalam readers :)

I'm quit busy lately. Busy of what, I don't know, for suree.

Actually, I've a lot of story to tell ye, the good and the bad too. But I'd prefer to tell ya my good news/story, can't I? ngehngeh. This is my poor blog, so I can do antyhing at it. This is my babyblog. Right????? LOL ;P

But I'm updating my blog by using a phonee. I'm tired for waiting a turn of mine to use PC. Urghhh.. Malas kot.

And that's why mt title were entitled just like that, as you can see just now..But I can be as maniac if type my whole story on small qwerty 'board' claerly and small screen obviously. So, this is only my short post(too).

Till we meet again. As-salammualaikum..


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