Ear pain

Assalamualaikum, semua.

Kelmarin(kira 2.30am), gua punya telinga rasa sakit. I tot it just only an ordinary pain. Today, on recess, i got really pain at my ear. Left-ear. I went to toilet, take off my tudung sekolah, and start crying. Oh my, do kill me. It so gedik right? But I seriously, it's really pain.

The reason I'm crying because am to worry bout my ear condition. One of my friend said to me, it maybe was kutu babi. Dikampungkan, cekenik. Alahh, binatang kecil warna hitam tu. That animal's duties is keep sucking human blood. Usually it will 'bertapa' at human's eye. Fuhh, itu gua dah pernah kena, tapi it when i was a younger. As you all may know, I do really hated blood. No, I'm not the one who will faint when saw some/little/a-lot-of blood. But, when I saw an injury at somewhere of my body, I will start to feel like wanna cry and that luka will feel more pain even it just a little sweet-injury. I will panic at all the time.

Lepas loceng dipetik dan menunjukkan masa rehat dah habis, Hanin nampak gua duduk kat tandas. She asked me bout my condition. She's really concerned at anyone who got an injury or got a problem. Miss.Ratna ask Hanin to accompany me in class. Really, I do really touched. Thank you, Hanin.

She asked me to go to office school, and ask to go back home. Mula-mula gua taknak. Malu lah konon. Pehtu, ada Dila and Aina, gua rasa okay sikit. Kihkihkih. Tak pasal-pasal aku kena marah dengan Pn.Ainal hahahaha. Okay, call kakak to take me in school. She came, my both sista. Kakla bawa motor, kakmy bawak pergi klinik.

The doctor said, my ear got an injury. Keliling telinga, kira bengkak lah telinga gua ni. Sebabnya, taknak bagitahu. Gua malu. Ehemm! Bukan pasal tahi telinga banyak okay :P Okay, actually luka sebab gua korek ganas sangat. It's really true when the doctor told me that I always rasa gatal-gatal when I korek my ear. Thank you doct. Then, gua beli ubat semua tu. Balik, makan ubat, makan makaroni sikit, then titis air ubat telinga tu. Fuhhh lega sikit bila dah jumpa doktor, letak ubat semua.

Moral, jangan korek telinga ganas sangat sampai terluka. Telinga gua ni luka keliling kot. Memang pedih gila nak mampus. Sekarang ni pun, menaip dalam kesakitan.

Ya Allah, i' begging You, please give me a good healthy as other Muslims. Please return my health, so that I can go to school as usual as I can study about new chapter in any subjects.

Poyoooooooooooooo~ lantaklah. Hahahaha. Tapi sungguh, this is the saddest thing. Sakit telinga, can't go to school. Nanti classmates mesti pandai daripada aku ni. Cis. Hahahah :P

Dahlah, bosan. Cau. Assalamualaikum.

p/s: big thanks to Ain who gave me a permission for this day(tak betugas), to Safwan who tolong pegang my kacang kuda and jaga kantin alone(f5), Dila and Aina who accompany me to go to office, to Hanin who accompany me in class and make you can't attend english's class, Ain(again) and Liana who accompany me to office and wait for my sista, Kakmy and Kakla who came to school and accompany me to clinic, to teachers, cats, doctor and so on :P

Poyo gilaaaaa!


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